Scrollable Text

Posted by Kalyan Kurasala  |  No comments

Marquee Element: The Marquee element is used to insert scrolling text anywhere in a web page. the code given below will display the text “KALYAN” to scroll from right to left in the web page.
 The attributes of Marquee element are discussed below:
Bgcolor Attribute: The Bgcolor attribute is used for specifying the background color for the scrolling text.
<MARQUEE Bgcolor=”Orange”>Kalyan</MARQUEE>
Direction Attribute: The Direction attribute is used for specifying the direction of scrolling text.
<MARQUEE Direction=”Left”>Kalyan</MARQUEE>
Behavior Attribute: The Behavior attriute is used for specifying the movement of the scrolling text. The values for Behavior attriute can be specified as SCROLL, SLIDE or ALTERNATE.
<MARQUEE Behavior=”SLIDE”>Kalyan</MARQUEE>
Height Attribute: The Height attribute of Marquee element is used for specifying the height of the scrolling text.
<MARQUEE Height=25%>Kalyan</MARQUEE>
Width Attribute: The Width attribute of Marquee element is used for specifying the width of the scrolling text.
<MARQUEE Width=45%>Kalyan</MARQUEE>
Hspace Attribute: The Hspace attribute is used for specifying the left and right margins.
<MARQUEE Hspace=25>Kalyan</MARQUEE>
Vspace Attribute: The attribute is used for specifying the top and bottom margins.
<MARQUEE Vspace=50>Kalyan</MARQUEE>
Loop Attribute: The Loop attribute is used for specifying the number of times the text to be scroll.
<MARQUEE Loop=5>Kalyan</MARQUEE>
Scrollamount Attribute: The Scrollamount attribute is used for controlling the speed of the scrolling text.
<MARQUEE Scrollamount=5>Kalyan</MARQUEE>

08:27 Share:
About Kalyan Kurasala

I am a B.Tech Student at Prasiddha College Of Engineering and Technology in Anathavaram.


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