In Computer Programming, C is a general-purpose programming language. It was developed by Dennis Ritche at AT&T Bell Labs in between 1969-1972 with his friend Ken-Thompson. C is a Structured Programming. In 1989, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) published a standard for C, is called C89. In 1990, the same specification was proposed by ISO, is alled C90. In 1999, ISO again released the Internationalization standards, is called C99. Now the current version of standard is known as C11, was proposed in 2011.
According to C89, we have 32 keyword in C language. Those are
auto break case char const
continue default do double else
enum extern float for goto
if int long register return
short signed sizeof static struct
switch typedef union unsigned void
volatile while
In C99, another 5 keywords are added. Those are
_Bool _Complex _Imaginary inline restrict
In C11, another 7 keywords are added. Those are
_Alignas _Alingnof _Atomic _Generic
_Noreturn _Static_assert _Thread_local