Basic Tags

Posted by Kalyan Kurasala  |  No comments

HEADING Element: HTML defines six levels of headings. Heading element is a container element. The heading sizes ranges from <H1> to <H6>. The code below will display the heading ranges.
For example, consider the following program:
<TITLE>Heading Ranges</TITLE>
NOTE: Every Heading leaves a blank line above and below it. The heading can be aligned by using ALIGN attribute with in HEADING element.
<H1 Align=Center>Kalyan</H1>
PARAGRAPH Element: The PARAGRAPH element is used for inserting paragraph. It is also a container element. It is indicated by <P>…</P>. To align the paragraph in Center, Left, Right the ALIGN attribute is specified with in the PARAGRAPH element.

<P Align=CENTER>…</P>
Line Break Element: To specify a newline, the Line Break element is used. The element is an is an empty element and has to be given in the end of the line after which the new line should be start. The <BR> tag represents Line Break element. The following code will insert a line break after the first sentence.
Hyper Text Markup Language is an acronym for the word HTML.</BR>
This is an Example for Line Break Element.</BR>
FONT Element: To change the size, color and style of text, HTML provides the FONT element. This element is a container element. The attributes of FONT element are:
  1. SIZE Attribute: To change the size of the text SIZE attribute of the Font is used. This is specified within the FONT element. The value can be range from 1-7. The default font size is 3.
  2. COLOR Attribute: To change color of the text, the COLOR attribute of the FONT element is used. The code given below displays the text in Red Color.
  3. FACE Attribute: To change the font style of a text, the FACE attribute of the FONT element is used. This attribute is also specified with in the FONT element.
<FONT Size=5 Color=”Blue” Face=”Arial”>
Your text goes here

08:29 Share:
About Kalyan Kurasala

I am a B.Tech Student at Prasiddha College Of Engineering and Technology in Anathavaram.


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