
Posted by Kalyan Kurasala  |  No comments

Bold Face Element: The Bold Face element is used to display the text in Bold Face. It is a container element and is indicated by <B> tag.
<B>Kalyan Kurasala</B>
Under Line Element: The Under Line element is used to underline the text. The Under Line element is a container element and is indicated by <U> tag.
<U>Kalyan Kurasala</U>
Italics Element: The Italics element is used for displaying text in Italics. The Italic element is a container element and is indicating by <I> tag.
<I>Kalyan Kurasala</I>
Big Element: The Big element is used for displaying text in a bigger font size as compared to the rest of the text. This element is a container element and is indicated by <BIG> tag.
<BIG>KK</BIG>Kalyan Kurasala
Small Element: The Small element is used for displaying text in a smaller size as compared to the rest of the text. This element is a container element and is indicated by <SMALL> tag.
KK<SMALL>Kalyan Kurasala</SMALL>
Strike Element: The Strike element is used for displaying text with a horizontal line striking through it. This element is a container element. This element is indicated by <STRIKE> tag.
Sale! <STRIKE>Rs.500/-</STRIKE>Rs.350/-
Subscript Element: The Subscript element is used for displaying the text as a Subscript. This element is a container element and is indicated by <SUB> tag. The below code display the equation H2O.
Superscript Element: The Superscript element is used for displaying the text as a Superscript. This element is a container element and is indicated by the <SUP> tag. The code below will display the formula 22=4.
Block Quote Element: The Block Quote element is used for display text quotes in a distinct font style. Block Quote element is a container element and is indicated by <BLOCKQUOTE> tag.
Program for Block Quote Element

08:27 Share:
About Kalyan Kurasala

I am a B.Tech Student at Prasiddha College Of Engineering and Technology in Anathavaram.


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